Francesca Ingrosso
2020- Maître de Conférences Hors Classe, University of Lorraine.
2018- Qualification aux Fonctions de Professeur des Universités, CNU Section 31.
2008- Maître de Conférences, University of Lorraine.
2007-2008 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship, ENS-Paris, France (Prof. J.T. Hynes).
2006-2007 Postdoc, Max Born Institut, Berlin, Germany, and ENS-Paris, France (Profs. T. Elsaesser and J.T. Hynes).
2005-2006 Postdoc, Colorado State University (Prof.Branka M. Ladanyi).
2003 Visiting researcher: Colorado State University (Prof. Branka M. Ladanyi).
2002-2005 MIUR PhD grant. University of Pisa (Prof. Jacopo Tomasi).
Academic Activities and Service
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, University of Lorraine, June 2017.
PhD in Chemistry, Galileo Galilei PhD School, University of Pisa, February 2005.
Abilitazione alla Professione di Chimico, University of Pisa, December 2002.
Laurea in Chimica summa cum laude, University of Pisa, October 2001.
2024- Joint coordinator of the Physical Chemistry Master internships.
2023-2024. Member of the CE29 of the ANR.
2023- Member of the Department of Chemistry bureau.
2020- Member of the CT8 Committee (quantum chemistry) at the GENCI supercomputing center.
2018- Director of the Groupement De Recherche SolvATE.
2018- Member of the Molecular Physics and Chemistry Scientific Council of the University of Lorraine.
2015- Coordinator of the RFCT M2-PhD theoretical chemistry teaching at the University of Lorraine.
Selection of past duties:
2018-2022 Coordinator of the 'Liquids, Interfaces, Solvation' group of the Theoretical Physics and Chemistry Department.
2013-2022 Codirector of the R12 Thematic Axis on Electron Density and Electronic Structure, Intermolecular Interactions of the Institut Jean Barriol.
2016-2021 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Groupement De Recherche ThéMS.
PASS. Chemistry Minor: Chemistry.
Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science (1st year): Structure of Atoms and Molecules, Solution Chemistry. Chemistry in 3D.
Chemistry, Physics (2nd-3rd years): Quantum Chemistry, Molecular Symmetry, Modeling and Spectroscopy and Reactivity.
Master in Chemistry: Atomistic Modeling, Quantum Chemistry, Theoretical Organic Chemistry.